Dec 7, 2008

Ladies Orchestra Evening and Maureen's Coffee Morning

On Wednesday 3rd December, Steve and Maureen Terry hosted a coffee morning in their home (aptly named Tranquillity) to raise funds for the church. Approximately 30 guests came to their spacious home to enjoy coffee, eats and light entertainment. Jennifer Cutting donated a beautiful Christmas Cake which was raffled on the morning, raising ₤166. Pictured below is Jennifer with the brother-in-law of the winner.
A further ₤129.40 was raised in donations during the morning. Lynn Clevely was able to contribute ₤21 through jewellery sales, and Nick Clevely sold ₤50 worth of his new CD, "Like a Child", giving a grand total of ₤366.40 for the morning. Thanks especially to Steve and Maureen for opening their home, and the ladies serving tea and eats in the kitchen, as well as to those who supplied some of the eats.

The Ladies' Orchestra very kindly offered to put on a musical evening which happened on Friday, 5th December. They were accompanied by the Palm Villa Singers, with a few other items by Baptist congregants and friends. The 14 items on the program included a variety of Christmas carols and instrumental pieces. The evening was held in the Mule Yard and we are thankful to God for the break in the weather. Thanks to Barry Dillon for allowing us the use of his premises. We ran a slideshow of rockfall photos using the newly donated projector from the RMS Charity Fund for those who had not yet seen the damages. There was no entrance fee, but from a cake raffle and donations, ₤250.47 was raised, as well as a further ₤20 from biscuit sales from Mike and Julia who were selling eats and refreshments. This was an excellent effort on the part of the Ladies' Orchestra and Friends who organised the event. Special thanks to Ivy Ellick, Wendy Henry and Gaye Marr, and many others who were involved. Gary Walters from Radio St Helena recorded the evening and it will be broadcast closer to Christmas.