Nov 10, 2008

Progress report - 10th November

Apologies that the blog has not been updated in a while – we have been waiting for the rest of the money from the Sponsored Bible Reading to come in. To date, about ₤4,260 has been collected, and yet there is still more coming in. Thanks once again to all those who participated, organized and gave.

On Saturday we had a workparty in the church properties to begin the huge task of clearing away the rubble. We began with the schoolroom, sorting the usable wood from the firewood, and the damaged roofing from the salvageable roofing. We have essentially gutted the whole schoolroom, making it ready for builders to come in and begin. The final touches on clearing it will be done on Friday this week. Some of the Good News Club children pitched in diligently and carried away the lengths of bamboo that had made up the roof of Nick’s barbeque area. A truck was supplied by PWD which carried two loads of rubble to the dump.

Several more organizations have made donations, and we would like to thank New Horizons, the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and the Freemasons, as well as the many private donors who have made contributions.

We have had some contractors come and look at the damages and so far we have had one very encouraging estimate, which we will post as soon as it has been confirmed.