Oct 12, 2008

24-Hour Sponsored Bible Readathon

From Friday 10th October at midday until Saturday at midday, the Bible was read aloud in the Salvation Army Hall, both by people from our congregation and people not linked to our church in any way. The entire New Testament was read in 18 hours, and then with no fanfare or pause to celebrate, Genesis was tackled. The readers were so caught up in the reading that even when their 3o minute slot was over many stayed on for 2-3 hours just to read along with others who were reading. At present we are still collecting the money that was pledged by the sponsors and will post the amount as soon as we have the information. A very special thank you to those who read, those who listened to the reading, and those who gave donations and sponsored our readers. Thank you too to the Salvation Army for the use of their premises, and the radio stations for advertising and promoting the event.